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  1. SECURITY.  ARMOR VAULTS will provide reasonable and appropriate security to protect safe deposit box renters and their property.  It is important that the ARMOR VAULTS be able to defend the quality of security provided. 


   A . Security Equipment.  Security equipment used in constructing and controlling the safe deposit vaults are "performance tested" against an independent, recognized standard (i.e., Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., (UL) or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)).  Such equipment includes:


  1. Vault Structure

  2. Vault Door

  3. Day Gate

  4. Safe Deposit Boxes and Lockers

  5. Vault/Safe Alarm and Monitoring Equipment

  B.  Equipment Maintenance.  To reduce the risk of equipment failure, vault/safe doors and locks must be maintained in good repair and records will be kept to document maintenance efforts. 


  C.  Vault/Safe Alarm Protection.  In addition to reasonable physical security, the safe deposit vault is protected by the highest grade object alarm protection that is available to the Armor Vaults.   At a minimum, three alarm components (a door contact, a heat sensor and a sound detector) is installed inside each safe deposit vault or safe.  The actual number of each component is depend on the size, acoustics, and layout inside the vault.  The vault alarm control cabinet is located inside the protected vault, and all reporting lines are protected by high-grade, interrogate/response line security.

  2. Prohibited Contents.  The Armor Vaults lease agreement shall prohibit the member's storage of contents that are either illegal to store or may threaten the security of the Armor Vaults, employees and/or contents of other boxes.  The following contents may not be stored in a safe deposit box:


  • Any liquid or property of an explosive or offensive nature, including firearms and ammunition;

  • ​​Any property the possession of which is prohibited by local, state, or federal law;

  • ​​Any property which may become a nuisance to the Armor Vaults or any other tenant; or

  • Any property for any other purpose than the deposit of securities, documents, valuables, and other like propert

  3.  SAFE DEPOSIT KEY CONTROLS.  Locks on day gates and safe deposit boxes help control access to renters' property.  Strict key controls are implemented to reduce the possibility of unauthorized access.


  • Vault Door Day Gates.  The vault door day gates will remain closed and locked.  The key(s) to the day gate lock is remain under the exclusive control of the safe deposit box vault attendant.  Day gate key(s) must never be left in the lock or in an unlocked location. 

  • Guard Key.  The guard key is held by the Armor Vaults to open one lock on each safe deposit box.  Strict control over the guard key is crucial to the security of the safe deposit vault.  Effective control procedures must be documented and followed at all times to ensure that no unauthorized person gains access to the guard key.  The guard key will be held under the exclusive control of the vault attendant during business hours and be locked inside the safe deposit box vault during non-business hours. 

  • Renter Keys.  Each renter is provided two box keys (an original and a duplicate).  Renters will be notified of key procedures and the importance of protecting keys.  The Armor Vaults will advise renters of any charges for which they will be responsible if keys are lost. 

  • Lost Renter Keys.  At lease signing, renters will be instructed to notify the Armor Vaults immediately if they lose one or both keys.  An alert will be placed on the access card and arrangements will be made to transfer the renter's property to another safe deposit box.  The lock on the vacated safe deposit box will be changed before it is rented again.  If both keys are lost, arrangements will be made with an authorized locksmith to drill the lock and transfer the box contents to another safe deposit box.  Before the lock is drilled, the box renter(s) must provide the Armor Vaults with a written authorization to drill the lock.  The authorization must specify who is authorized to perform the drilling and who is authorized to be present during the drilling process.  At least one renter and one authorized Armor Vaults representative must be present. The written authorization must also hold the Armor Vaults harmless for any damage to the box contents.

  • Keys To Unrented Safe Deposit Boxes.  Keys to unrented safe deposit boxes will be secured under dual control in the safe deposit box vault. ​

  • Record Review.  A periodic (at least annual) review should be conducted to ensure all keys to unrented boxes match the number of unrented boxes and that all rented boxes have valid contracts.​​


  • Identification.  Prior to allowing entry, each box renter/deputy/agent must be positively identified and his/her authority verified.  Identification will include a picture ID card that also contains a written physical description of the box renter/deputy/agent and a signature example.

  • Signature.  After the renter/deputy/agent have been identified, and their authority to gain access to the safe deposit box has been verified, they will be required to sign the access card so that their signatures can be compared to those on file. 

  • Time and Date Record.  After the access card is signed, the safe deposit box attendant will record the time and date of entry next to the renter's signature and initial or sign the access card.​​​


  • Key Control.  The vault attendant and the box renter must never relinquish their respective keys.  Rather, they will insert their own key into their own lock, open the lock, and retain their key.  Keys must never be left hanging in the box locks.

  • Escort. The safe deposit box attendant will accompany box renters while inside the safe deposit vault and escort them to a private viewing booth that is located outside of the vault.  At no time should box renters be left alone inside the safe deposit box vault.

  • Viewing Booth.  Renters will be instructed to never leave their safe deposit boxes unattended.  After the member leaves the viewing booth, the vault attendant must check the booth for property that was left behind.  Armor Vaults personnel must be alert to suspicious items found in the booth.  Wastebaskets must be checked and emptied each time the viewing booth is used.  If the box renter inadvertently left property in the booth, it must be placed under dual control and the box renter must be notified.  Management must be notified immediately of unusual or suspicious behavior.

  • Requests for Access from Court-Appointed Fiduciary or Law Enforcement.  Armor Vaults will follow state guidelines regarding access by those who are not contracted to rent a safe deposit box, but have documentation requesting access, either following a renter’s death or because of a legal request.​​


  • Change in Access.  When a renter cancels a deputy, agent or power of attorney, such cancellation must be dated and signed by the renter and the name and signature must be immediately removed from the Access Card. 

  • Cancellation.  When a safe deposit box rental is cancelled or surrendered, a cancellation or surrender statement, approved by the Armor Vault's legal counsel, must be completed, dated, and signed by the person or persons having authority to release the safe deposit box.  The statement must acknowledge the renter's/deputy's/agent's receipt of the box contents and release the Armor Vaults from any further liability.  When the box has been released, the lease will be marked "canceled" and be retained in a "closed" file. 

  • Abandonment.  State law governing abandonment and unclaimed property will dictate abandonment requirements of contact and time period.  When a safe deposit box has been abandoned, normally indicated by failure to pay rental fees, efforts to locate to the renter will be initiated.  When these efforts have proven unsuccessful, arrangements will be made to surrender the contents of the box to the appropriate state authority.  A surrender statement will be completed, signed, and filed by appropriate Armor Vaults employees.

  • Record Retention.  All change, cancellation, and abandonment records will be retained so as to be readily available if needed.  Heirs of a former renter may have evidence that a safe deposit box was rented, but no evidence that the box was properly surrendered or canceled.  The burden of proof may rest with the Armor Vaults.  ​​​

Copyright © 2018 Armor Vaults, LLC

Armor Vaults, LLC

43 R Nason St

Maynard, MA 01754



Ph:     978-298-1420

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