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1) Prohibited Items 


  •  Perishable Goods or Food Items

  •  Animal Products

  •  Combustible, Hazardous or Toxic Materials 

  •  Explosives, Fireworks

  •  Illegal Substances

  •  Stolen Items

2) What Items Should I Keep in My Safe Deposit Box?


It's a good idea to store your most important documents in a safe deposit box. Most individuals also choose to keep copies of these documents in a separate location as well, such as at home or in a secure place at work. Other items to consider for your safe deposit box are valuables, jewelery, hard drives, collectibles, or any irreplaceable items.

3) Why do you need a safe deposit box?​


A safe deposit box is a convenient place to store important items that would be difficult or impossible to replace. The box also offers privacy and security. Although many people like to keep valuable close by in the closet, safe or file cabinet at home or in the office, this places probably are not as resistant to fire, water or theft. 

4) What happens to my safe deposit box if my bank fails?


When an insured bank or thrift closes, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) usually arranges for another institution to take it over, including branches where you might have a safe deposit box.

In those situations, you should be able to conduct business as usual.

If the FDIC cannot find a buyer for your bank, it arranges for you to remove the contents of your safe deposit box so you can obtain a box at another institution, if you wish.

This is done within a few days after the bank fails.

5) Why Armor Vaults over your local bank?


Our facility normal hours will be from 9am to 5pm, however by appointment you can access your box anytime of the day or night.

Armor Vaults has state of the art security that is superior to current banks. Armor Vaults has only highly trained employees whose only job is dedicated to your personal security.

In the present economy when banks are closing and consolidating Safe Deposit Boxes are increasingly more and more difficult to obtain. Presently, all banks who offer boxes have less than 3% of their boxes available; and those sizes available are usually the smallest (3×5).


6) Who will have an access to my private deposit vault ?

You will be the only person with an access to your vault/safe box. There is option to add designate person who can access in case of his/her death or hospitalization. 

7) In the event of death, who will be authorized to access my box and pick up my valuables?

Before signing the rental agreement, the original renter will have an option to designate one person who can access the vault/safe box in case of his/her death.
The Armor Vaults must be presented with a death certificate and/or a last will/testament or trust document to allow heirs access the contents of the vault/safe box, in case the original renter did not designate a specific person on the rental agreement. At the time of document presentation, The Armor Vaults will take the necessary measures to reviewthe documents in order to verify their authenticity.

Copyright © 2018 Armor Vaults, LLC

Armor Vaults, LLC

43 R Nason St

Maynard, MA 01754



Ph:     978-298-1420

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